Wednesday, December 18

I sorta helped fix a blogger/mozilla bug. You never see this kind of responsiveness in the closed-source world. I don't think.

Bug 88049 - Support .selectionStart & friends for textareas ------- Additional Comment #125 From mark crane 2002-12-18 10:11 -------

Evan Williams of Blogger fame wrote the following:

"Hi, Mark. We're running into a bug that could be pretty major for us
(and make me take back that "preferred browser" statement). Do you know
what the status is on this?


He wants to optimize the new version of blogger to work with Mozilla but
apparently this is holding him back.

------- Additional Comment #126 From pete collins 2002-12-18 13:05 -------

Thanks guys, let's not let this patch die on the vine here.


------- Additional Comment #127 From Susie Wyshak 2002-12-18 13:25 -------

added nsbeta1 and topembed as it's a blocker for Blogger.

------- Additional Comment #128 From Alex Vincent 2002-12-18 13:40 -------

Nominating for blockage of 1.3 beta (as in this bug should be one of those
blocking a "Make Mozilla 1.3 beta not suck" bug). Also removing 1.0.2 keyword,
as we can pretty much kiss that one goodbye.


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