Thursday, March 28 Geek News - iMacs: Design, Inspiration, and Hype There have been a number of articles posted regarding the design, inspiration, and hype (er, blunder releasing the Time Magazine article early). An article from the News website interviews Jonathan Ive, Apple's chief of design, about his two years of secretly designing the new iMac. But did the inspiration come from a walk in a vegetable patch with Steve Jobs, or did it come from a Belgian Web designer who posted a sketch that looks very ... well, similar, to the newly released iMac? That can be debated. What isn't up for debate is the "kerfuffle" that Time Canada caused by publishing the magazine's exclusive account of the new iMac 12 hours too soon. The New York Times has an article about how Time's deal with Jobs was broken and the "hyped" thunder was stolen from the Macworld announcement. I bet the thunder blunder doesn't happen again.