Wednesday, December 12

Search Results Minnesota SU, Mankato
English, 230 Armstrong Hall, Mankato, MN 56001
saveAssistant Professor of English
Assistant Professor, tenure-track, in English: Rhetoric and Composition starting August 19, 2002. Responsibilities include: teaching composition theory, pedagogy and related courses to MA/MFA students, introductory and advanced undergraduate writing courses, writing-intensive courses, and other courses in the candidate's specialty consistent with program needs. Applicant should be interested in and qualified to eventually assume training and mentoring roles with teaching assistants in a large undergraduate writing program. Load: 12 cr/semester (3 courses). Continuing research, advising and committee work expected. Required: doctorate in composition theory, completed by date of appointment; training and experience in college-level teaching of composition and in using technology for writing instruction. For full position description, see Send application letter, CV, and dossier (including transcripts and three letters of reference) to Harry Solo, Search Chair, 230 Armstrong Hall, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Mankato, MN 56001 by January 7, 2002 (postmark deadline). AA/EOE. [R]


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