Friday, July 6
this is my journal Wiki capabilities?[ Questions ] [ LINK | PRINT | SEND ]
I'm looking to put up a combined wiki/weblog. The only existing option is PikiePikie, but i'm looking into combining stand-along weblog software with UseModWiki, which i'm already using. The other major alternatives are Zope, which has both though not combined AFAIK, and Manila, which isn't GPL (i trust Dave Winer, but what about his heirs?), and doesn't do wiki though that could probably be added.
Wiki/Weblog convergence? My little brain hurts.
I'm looking to put up a combined wiki/weblog. The only existing option is PikiePikie, but i'm looking into combining stand-along weblog software with UseModWiki, which i'm already using. The other major alternatives are Zope, which has both though not combined AFAIK, and Manila, which isn't GPL (i trust Dave Winer, but what about his heirs?), and doesn't do wiki though that could probably be added.
Wiki/Weblog convergence? My little brain hurts.