Tuesday, May 6


Will Hochman on BYOD classrooms

I have learned to thrive in a BYOD for the last three years, though it was
rocky at first. Here's all I learned:

Create as many independent, teacher controlled learning sites. From
avoiding BB to integrating TED selections, Blogs, and streams of social
media info into my classrooms. Resist the ways technology
institutionalizes learning into bureaucratic. Teach more like adjuncts
have to teach anyway.

"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" See BladeRunner for the answer to
that one, but I know for sure students think with electric screens. (And
yes, I dream in screens too, don't you?) Most, if not all of student
ideation will take place in digitized environments.

Peer to peer learning, and peer to teacher learning about how our
cyberspace is all that is necessary. Luckily, these digital natives are
patient with elders and tech.

I agree with Alex. Until there is a cultural changeŠbut that reminds me of
a favorite story by Delmore Schwartz, "In Dreams Begin Responsibilities."
The more tech becomes standard culture, the more institutional culture
will change but we ain't there yet. But it's weird to me because these
days I'm not nearly as worried about the tech adaptation as much as the
bad teaching tech might create.

I've spent the large part of my teaching career institutionalizing digital
learning by starting computerized classrooms in three universities but I'm
no longer as interested  in creating such learning spaces. Instead, the
BYOD evolves class space through usability. Now, I'm just awash in ideas
with how to learn in, and keep up with some of the exciting changes in the
space each class creates for itself.

With final portfolios, love and squalor, Will

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